A lot... - Reisverslag uit Recife, Brazilië van Hilda Alberda - WaarBenJij.nu A lot... - Reisverslag uit Recife, Brazilië van Hilda Alberda - WaarBenJij.nu

A lot...

Door: Hilda Alberda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Hilda

20 Maart 2006 | Brazilië, Recife

Bom dia! Tudo bem?! Here I am again, in a to warm LAN-house... after having a nice cold shower and my usual breakfast - including mango and passion fruit, what about that?!
Some time since I wrote a story on my blog... I´ll start from where I left you the last time (before the pictures)... That´s about 2 weeks ago, Saturdaynight March 11: I went eating sushi at one of the all you can eat restaurants (R$14,90 which is about 6 Euro). Hmmmmm! I like sushi! We only arrived at the restaurant at about 10 pm, not something I often do in Holland, but I had a plate full of sushi anyway.
On Sunday I went with 3 of the girls from my pension and the boyfriend of one of them to Maracaípe, a beach near Porto. A nice day, just relaxing in the sun and swimming in the sea! I was the only one that really went swimming; the boyfriend didn´t go near the water at all and the girls either couldn´t swim, were wearing contact lences or had never seen a sea before and were afraid to swim in it. Okay, the waves were pretty strong, but I just love swimming then! I even rented a bodyboard! Maracaípe beach is also known as a surf beach, so I had to try something...
The next week was filled with some Portuguese lessons at uni, lunch with different people I met at uni/ Fages, dinner in Recife centre, some nights out, ofcourse some visits to Caranguejo (I wil try to add some pictures later), etc.
On Saturday I went to Porto (again...) with Alfonsina and her boyfriend Benjamin. She is from Argentina and he is from France. I had a great weekend - again relaxing on the beach and some swimming, but also a long walk all the way from Porto, passing Maracaípe, to one of the natural lakes and back (which was quite long and walking on the beach also makes it a little more ´heavy´) - but it was worth it! After that we had dinner, enjoyed Porto by night (among others saw some Caipoera and some acrobatic Forró dancing), had a caipirinha and went back to the camping/ hotel (they stayed in their tent and I had rented a room - which was way better, considering the heat and noices). The next day we went to the beach again after having breakfast and instead of renting one of the umbrellas with chairs went on a small boattrip to snork!!! That was cool! Fishes were beautiful! After comming back at the beach we rented an umbrella anyway and spent the rest of the day sunbathing, swimming and ordering all different kinds of food at the venders that are walking up and down the beach! That was great fun! I tried some new kinds of food and drinks and how good is it to just stay where you are, call one of the venders and order food without leaving your seat?! Hihi! At the end of the day we went back by bus and after a shower I went down town to have dinner with Liana. The taxi ride was quite interesting... first I had to show him where Marco Zero was... I know Recife better than the taxi driver?! Furthermore we got almost crushed by a bus twice! Taxi drivers here are artists, although I have seen worse (for ex Cairo and Indonesia). After walking on the night-market we ended up in a restaurant were, under some Brazilian drumm music, we enjoyed filled pancakes. The trip back in the taxi was interesting to; again almost crushed by a bus, but this time the motor stopped running... But, 2 guys in the car behind us were so friendly to push the car after which the motor started running again...
This week was filled with a visit to Caranguejo, a meeting with a woman that did research/ some projects in Caranguejo, a seminar on Masculinity from a Feminist perspective, a visit to the NGO Papai and a day trip to João Pessoa (a city in the state Paraiba, which is north of Pernambuco). And, tomorrow I will go to Caruaru with one of the girls from the pension... and if everything goes as planned (which is always the question here) ... I will go and see the football match between Santa Cruz and Sports! Two of the main clubs of Recife! That would be so cool!
Well... that´s it for now. I´ll try to put some pictures of Caranguejo on my site and after that... let´s see what happens today... The only thing planned till now is a lunch with a friend from Fages.
Beijos and see you (way to) soon!

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