Caranguejo - Reisverslag uit Recife, Brazilië van Hilda Alberda - Caranguejo - Reisverslag uit Recife, Brazilië van Hilda Alberda -


Door: Hilda Alberda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Hilda

24 Maart 2006 | Brazilië, Recife

Dear all,
I´ve tried to give you a small impression of what Caranguejo looks like. There are some bad sights, but also some ´better´ ones. When you enter the favela the houses are not as bad as those you find when you walk deeper into it. Therefore, I will start with a picture of one of the better sights, but I will also show you some very bad sights... For me most of these sights became ´normal´ or at least familiar and I therefore probably look at them differently as you will do. But, I am also still shocked when I enter the worst part (which we only visited twice) and see little children playing/ living under these terrible circumstances. Seeing these pictures, it is good to know and realise that we are so lucky to live in our small Western/ welfare country - remember that!

1 To start with: Just one of the streets of the favela that actually has some trees and nice coloured houses, a relatively pleasant site.

2 This is the poorest part of Caranguejo, located near the shrimp farms. These girls are playing between the garbage where there are also pigs and chickens walking around. Last time we were there some of the chickens were just laying there, between the garbage and the playing children - killed and plugged/ ready to eat.

3 Caranguejo seen from the water/ shrimp farms.

4 This is one of the area´s where I did my research. The water hight of the canal varies often, when it is low you can see how much garbage is in there/ how dirty it is. Behind the wall on the left is where people go to do ´bad´things - one of the health agents told us this. I am not sure how bad these things are, while there are glue sniffers walking around the streets there anyway. When the water is high children are actually swimming in here...

5 Inside one of the houses from people I interviewed.

6 A woman breastfeeding her child and her little girl sitting in the dooropening of there house.

7 One of the small streets of Caranguejo (with Amanda and Tobias - a health agent- walking in front of me).

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Actief sinds 30 Nov. -0001
Verslag gelezen: 578
Totaal aantal bezoekers 139084

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24 Januari 2008 - 04 April 2008

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23 Juli 2006 - 19 Augustus 2006


04 Januari 2006 - 03 April 2006

Hilda está em Recife!

15 Januari 2011 - 30 November -0001

Sierra Leone

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