Tchau tchau Brasil...tchau tchau Recife... - Reisverslag uit Recife, Brazilië van Hilda Alberda - Tchau tchau Brasil...tchau tchau Recife... - Reisverslag uit Recife, Brazilië van Hilda Alberda -

Tchau tchau Brasil...tchau tchau Recife...

Door: Hilda Alberda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Hilda

01 April 2006 | Brazilië, Recife more regular visits to Caranguejo (the favela), no more interviews, no more feijão (beans, that I don´t like so much and which Brazilians eat everyday), no more huge/ warm lunches... or Açai (which I prefer)..., but hello cheese sandwich :), no more coconut water from a cold and fresh coconut, no more aqua mineral, but hello water from the tap, no more fresh (tropical) fruits and juices, no more regular visits to the beach, no more 30 degrees or higher, no more waking up - being 90% (or more?!) sure that the sun will shine, but hello rainy days and raincoats, no more palmtrees... no more money in my bra, no more rubberies, no more rides in crowded bushes, no more staring, no more all you can eat sushi or pizza ´voor weinig´, no more waiting for bushes or people (1 hour late is still on time in Brasil), hello punctual Dutchies!!!, no more buying food at little shops or venders on the street and the beach, no more trying new food/ things, no more caipirinhas, no more cervejas on the beach or at night in the open air, no more Forró and other typical Brazilian music played everywhere on the street (although I will be bringing loads of music back home), no more meetings with my Brazilian friends... hello friends and family in The Netherlands...
Ohw, how I´m going to miss Brasil!
Last week I have been finishing my research with 2 last visits to Caranguejo, I have gathered some last data/ literature, bought loads of things that I don´t want to miss when back in Holland and that could fit in my suitcase... Last night I had a goodbye dinner with the girls from the pension I live in. Tonight I will have a goodbye dinner with my other friends... Tomorrow (when the weather is good-because it´s raining today!!!) I think I will pay one last visit to the beach of Recife and then... at 19.55h (Brasilian time) my plane will leave Brasil and at 11.35h (Dutch time- Monday morning) I will be back in Holland... Looking back on a wonderful, by times difficult - but mostly great and inspiring 3 months of living and doing research in Recife, Brasil.
This is my last story written in Brasil. I hope you enjoyed all my stories and I want to thank you all for the mails, chats and phone calls from Holland (or other destinations). Muito obrigada!

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Actief sinds 30 Nov. -0001
Verslag gelezen: 588
Totaal aantal bezoekers 139084

Voorgaande reizen:

24 Januari 2008 - 04 April 2008

Twee maanden India

23 Juli 2006 - 19 Augustus 2006


04 Januari 2006 - 03 April 2006

Hilda está em Recife!

15 Januari 2011 - 30 November -0001

Sierra Leone

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