UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco) - Reisverslag uit Recife, Brazilië van Hilda Alberda - WaarBenJij.nu UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco) - Reisverslag uit Recife, Brazilië van Hilda Alberda - WaarBenJij.nu

UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco)

Door: Hilda Alberda

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Hilda

11 Januari 2006 | Brazilië, Recife

Bom dia,

Okay, here I am, at a computer at the Federal University of Pernambuco. It sounds a bit weird, but this is actually the first time that I went out on my own in Recife/ Brasil. Before today there was always someone to accompany me. I managed to find this computer, but there are other reservations, so I only have about 20 minutes... and the computer is not very fast! (It appeared that the girl is really nice and when I was intending to stop she told me to go on... so I somewhat extended my story).
I´ll just give you a quick insight in my contemporary situation. I´ll start with some good news: I moved into my own place: a bedroom with private bathroom at a pension which is located in the ´university city´ as they call it here. I live in appartment 1 and my adress is:

Rua Professor Antônio Coelho 915,
Cidade Universitária,
CEP: 50.740-020,
Recife-PE, Brasil.

There is even a local phone: (Brasil) 81-3272-1152 (if you are planning to call, please take a look at www.spaartelecom.nl, so you can call for about 2 cents a minute). I did not yet found out how to call to Holland for a nice price.

I decided to live hear instead of with the three girls, while it seemed to be better to have some privacy. So, yesterday I could finally unpack and spent some time on my own here. The pension is really clean (!!!), which is already a big plus! I haven´t had much contact with the other girls (there are about 12 of them), but the owner and her daughter are really nice. And, Mar... you can stay here as well, (against a small payment). So, that´s great! I´m already looking forward to pick you up at the airport!!!
Yesterday Amdanda brought me here and I used the opportunity to do some shopping. Yahoo! There is this huge supermarket here and I always love to look around, try all the new things and especially all the different kinds of fruit they have here. So I bought a whole load of things, from toiletpaper, to pasta, to papaya and guarana (I am not sure how to write it, but it is nice indeed Bir!).

I am just thinking what to tell you about last week... Uhm... Where to start?! Okay, the 2nd house of the Scotts is really nice and nicely located. Alexandre took me to the two clubs on the first day which both have a swimming pool. The biggest one has a natural one with hugo streams/ showers (how to explain) that were really nice! We spent about the whole afternoom there and it was fun! Just some relaxing, although sometimes the language barrier makes me a littel tired. When we walked back it appeared that I was just a little to exhausted, cause I got sick. I am not sure if it was a particular kind of food, I think it has been the combination of everything. All these new things require loads of energy! So, I went to bed and slept a lot. I did not eat much these last days. On Monday we went back to Recife and I walked through town with Alexandre (I seem to be spending a lot of time with him, he is really friendly, has the time to show me around and we are having fun, so why not! He´s Amanda´s boyfriend/ a friend of the Scott family, so he should be safe as well... no worries Mum! No just joking, I am really happy that he spends so much of his time to show me around.). I went to bed early that day, because I was really tired. Hmmm, what´s more?! There are so many impressions that I have trouble remembring them. Well, I really enjoy my new place, althought it is about 30 minutes from the city centre it is probably handy to be so close to the university. There were all these pro´s and con´s and I just decided to live in this place. I can always decide to leave after a month and find something else.

Tommorrow I will attend a seminar on masculinity and health at which I might find some usefull contacts. At least it´s a start. After that it seems that I will have to get seriously busy with my research. Then prof. Scott will probably also show me where the anthropology appartment is or another place where I can use a computer.

So, that´s about it. I hope this story wasn´t too chaotic and that my English is readable/ without too many mistakes... cause I seem to be a bit chaotic myself! Now, I will leave the arconditioned room and step into the heat again!


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